

Livermore, CA
I was born and raised in Oakland, CA. I am a single parent of a three yr old son and I am six months pregnant with my second child. I have been homeless for 4 years. Due to a high risk pregnancy, My doctor has me on strict bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy and I am no longer able to work. My mother had been sick for a long time and required dialysis 2 x a week. I was recruited to work as her in-home care giver which also helped my housing situation and placed a temporary roof over me and my son's head. As her in -home care giver, I help with the cleaning, the shopping, the cooking and most all of her personal care needs. This income allowed me to support my son. But now, based on my doctor's recommendation, I am no longer able to continue working as an In-home care giver.
100% of donations went to Breanna through