Therapy for Everybody


Therapy for Everybody raised $4,519 on HandUp!

$4,519 raised of $4,000 Goal
112% Complete
45 Days Left
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Help us raise $4000 to provide mental health services to the community

About this Campaign

It's a busy Summer here at the Liberation Institute! Our Counseling Center is bustling 7 days a week, offering services to everybody regardless of their income or ability to pay.

The struggles of day-to-day life, along with the impact of events like the tragedy in Orlando, have brought even more clients to our doors. Our wonderful volunteer therapists have responded by offering more individual therapy sessions and groups. Meanwhile our new Libi Mobile program, which brings together troubled teens and isolated seniors for therapeutic nature trips, has been overwhelmed with requests.

The work we do can be stressful and difficult, but every day we are rewarded with heartwarming stories of success:

On a recent Libi Mobile group trip, a teenaged boy, on probation at Mission High and just out of jail for vandalism, met a lonely 76 year-old woman who hadn't been out of the city in 10 years. On the ride to Muir Woods they started talking and discovered that they both love music. By time we were headed home from that trip this unlikely duo was leading the whole group in a sing along! They are both now getting weekly counseling and she is helping him with his homework for Summer school.

A shy woman walked off the street into a meditation group at our Folsom street community center. After the workshop she confided to a staff member that she had been wandering around, not wanting to go back to her room in the tenderloin because she was trying to stay clean and sober. She had just happened in to our place, but by the time she left that night she was connected to recovery services and started coming in for individual therapy the next week! She says it was a miracle.

We see and hear amazing tales like this every day. The problem is that we are low on funds. We need your help to raise enough money to keep our doors open and meet the ever-increasing demand for these life-changing services.

Happily for this urgent campaign, we have a generous matching grant from They will match every donation, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $2,000! That means if our community contributions total at least $2k, we will raise the $4k we need to meet our current deficit!

Please help spread the word and donate whatever you can. No contribution is too small.

We are a community of people helping people every day. Together, with your help, we can compassionately change the world.

For more information about the campaign or our organization please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you!!!

34 Supporters
+ 28
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Giving Levels

An $18 donation could cover a week of individual therapy for someone in need

2 supporters


A $50 donation could cover a week of services for an entire family

9 supporters


A $100 donation could provide all the expenses for a recovery workshop

7 supporters


A $400 donation could provide a nature field trip for 8 teens and seniors, or cover the costs of a weekly meditation workshop for a month!

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Any donation, however large or small, will make a difference in someone's life today.

15 supporters


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