Get Involved

From anywhere

Contribute monthly
Sign up to contribute monthly to the HandUp National Fund. Each month you’ll receive an update on how your donation impacted someone’s life.
Give the gift of impact
Dedicate any donation on HandUp to your friends, colleagues, or family. Just select "Dedicate this donation" during checkout to send them a gift of impact.
Support HandUp
Donate to The HandUp Fund to help support HandUp operations and keep our work going. Make a donation and learn more here.
Send words of hope
Our members tell us your moral support can often mean more than your donations. It provides motivation and a sense that someone cares. Go to our Words of Hope page to send messages to people.

In your community

Host your own dinner party benefit
Invite your friends to join you for a dinner party to fundraise for others in need. Invite a special guest speaker or get creative with a special theme.
Dedicate your event proceeds to HandUp
Donate the proceeds of your meetup or benefit event to people in need on HandUp. We’ve seen events from restaurant openings to Bitcoin meetups successfully raise funds for homeless individuals in their areas.

With your company

CSR and engagement
From customer gifts to employee matching, learn how we can help you engage in a meaningful way and provide localized impact with your growing CSR programs. [link to pdf] or by emailing
Include poverty alleviation in your grant cycle
HandUp is a Public Benefit Corporation, and accepts grant giving. Funds are used to support those experiencing homelessness and poverty. Email for more information.
Give a corporate donation
Donate a large gift in the name of your company and we’ll share a special impact report from your generous contribution. These can be eligible for tax deduction. Please email for more information.