Verified by Lighthouse.
Me and my Family have been homeless since January 1, 2020. Due to the condition of my home I was told I have to move by section 8 to move or I would lose y section 8. Being a single parent I knew I could not afford the rent on my own, so I moved out with me and my children and grand child. I lived in my car, traveled out of town to stay in a shelter, and when I could in a hotel. This is the longest time me and my family have been homeless, and we just need help getting housed.
I have lived in Pontiac my whole life. I worked in the nursing field for the last 18 years and then transferred to the production field. Me and my family love traveling, playing board games, going to the movies and spending quality time together.
I am homeless because my home did not past the section 8 inspection three times. Due to me having section 8 I was told if I want to stay I would have to pay the full rental amount, which I could not afford. I started looking for housing, but could not find housing, and then the pandemic started. My Voucher was sent to Ohio, and I could not reach anyone, and stayed in a shelter. Me and my family came back to Pontiac, and resided in a hotel until my funding ran out, which cause me to enter another shelter.
My goal is to get back into stable housing, and return to school so I can get my GED. I also plan to one day open a catering business and see my teenagers graduate from high school.
My happiest moments is seeing my kids smile and finish school. My wildest dream is to own my own catering company, and give my children a better life.
I'm raising money for move in cost so I can secure housing.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can keep my electricity on.
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I'm raising money for a security deposit so I can get stable housing.