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It would really help me but especially my son. I want him to have a normal childhood and I want to get back onto my feet. We've been through a lot and we've been at homeless shelters before, and it's just been hard to find help.
I'm from Detroit, around 8 mile, and I've lived in the city for most of my life, and then I moved again when I graduated. I like to spend my time having fun and relaxing, especially sleeping, when I'm off of work. Sometimes I like to go for nature walks and we feed the deer and stuff like that.
So, we were living with my sister, and she was fighting me and she literally bashed a hanger against my son's eye, so we charged her with domestic violence, and it ended up with my whole family being turned against me because they prioritized her safety over mine even when she broke the law.
My goal is to get a vehicle, a nice home where me and my son can come to for safety, be able to make our own rules and to just be supportive.
Seeing a smile on my son's face is what makes me happiest--he's my hero. My proudest moment is when my son beat cancer for the second time--I know that's more of an accomplishment of him than mine, but I was just so proud of him. If everything worked out, my wildest dream would be able to help someone else who's in my situation.
I'm raising money for move in cost so I can secure housing for me and my family.
I'm raising money for application fees so I can secure housing.
I'm raising money for basic needs.
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