Matthew has reached his fundraising goal on HandUp!

1 person helped Matthew raise $25

Why I'm using HandUp for rental assitance.

I am using HandUP so that will be one step closer to help me get and maintain housing,

About me.

I am originally from Detroit, and my family is from Georgia and they migrated here to Michigan. I was originally a carpenter by trade, I followed after my grandfather. It worked out pretty well, it was a good living. I got married in 1982 I had three children one girl and two boys in 1993 my wife died of an heart attack it was rough but the Lord made a way. I was also in a horrible car accident in 2008 which left me disabled.

My backstory.

One of the reasons that I became homeless was when my wife died, I had given up inside, I tried to fake it, but after a while everyone knew because my depression took off and I refused to take the doctors help, then I became disabled which took my depression to a higher place.

My goals, moving forward.

I want to find stable housing in a decent community. I will stay in a shelter in Oakland County so that I can find decent housing and start living like a human being and not just existing.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

I love being with my grandchildren, they are all getting older and they have different personalities. It amazes me to watch them grow. i would also like to buy my own landscaping equipment so that I can landscape in the summer and winter. I also like to play chess, I am an average player but it gives me a thrill

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