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I am raising funds for a security deposit because I have an opportunity to enter into a wonderful apartment in Oak Park in a program that will help to lower my rental costs. This will help my family stay in stable housing. I am sick with sickle cell anemia and am unable to work regular hours, so this opportunity will ensure that my family does not experience homelessness ever again.
I am a 31 year old woman with two children. We have stayed mainly in Oak Park, MI. Our hardships happened in 2017. My Job laid off several people and I was one of them. I fell behind with bills and was evicted from my housing. I secured another job shortly after but we were too far into the hole. We were staying with friends, family, and even my mom and sometimes the car.
I was laid off and fell behind on bills and shortly after diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. I am unable to work a steady, day to day job because of this. I am signing up for unemployment because I have received documentation for my condition. I just need help crawling out of this hole.
I want to secure housing for my children and buy a car. I hope to find ways to take care of my health and continue my schooling.
My kids have never missed school due to our homelessness. I have always made sure they made it regardless of our living situation.
I'm raising money for basic needs.
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I'm raising money for basic needs.
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I'm raising money for security deposit so I can move into my own home.