Shannon has reached her fundraising goal on HandUp!

8 people helped Shannon raise $1000

About me.

I am from Fairfield and have lived place to place in Fairfield, Vacaville, and Vallejo for 5 years. I was a student at sacramento state, but had to drop out because my daughter was having her second open heart surgery. I have four daughters, three who have disabilities. I worked as a tutor, at Denny's and recently as a in home service provider.

My backstory.

I lost my job after my car flipped three times on the freeway and I was hospitalized. I have found a seasonal job, but I am not going to get paid much. I lost my job right after I got my own place. This new place is my dream to finally have a place for me and my kids to be together. I should be getting hired at a new job In about a month,but meanwhile my bills are piling up.

My goals, moving forward.

I have been told that I will be hired at a new job that will allow me to pay my bills In about a month. I am working towards a stable living environment and job so I can support my kids.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

Being with my beautiful kids makes me feel like I am on top of the world. I love it when they don't need surgeries for a while and perform well In school. I have seen them less because I had no place for them to stay with me, but now I have a two bedroom apt that will allow them to stay with me. I am so excited for that to happen. I love them so much.

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