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I am a 45 year old woman, with a 10 year old son. I was born in Pontiac, MI and I have lived there most of my life. I work at a nursing home and have for the last year. I am very close to friends and family but they’re unable to help myself and my son out.
I was working at a hospital for 20 years and they outsourced the kitchen where I worked, the unemployment didn’t cover my bills. I developed arthritis in both of my feet which led me to not be able to work for awhile. I fell behind in bills and I have been homeless ever since.
My goal moving forward is to keep saving my money and to get a house for my son and I. I have always been stable and on my feet, this is very unlike me and its very hard.
Cooking for my family makes me happy. My proudest moments is being able to provide for my children and grand children. My wildest dreams is to one day own a home.
I'm raising money for an air conditioner so I can make sure my health isn't effected by the summer heat..
I'm raising money for a birth cerificate so I can obtain housing.
I'm raising money for utilities so I can keep my lights on.