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I'm using HandUp because I was a part of a housing program after my family went through homelessness. Right now we’re in housing again, but in need of a little help. I started a small business while my family was homeless, working out of my car, because a 9-5 job isn’t a possibility with my disability. I sell natural products based on my knowledge of herbs and love for the natural. Now, I've been able to try to grow the business out of my apartment but still need some assistance while I meet with a program that can help me modify my cash-flow and see that I can pay all of my bills. I believe in myself and know that I can become a successful small business owner to support my family. I’m just in need of a hand up during a tight stretch. Me and the girls all work together on our family business and put in the hours to make it work. I'm using HandUp to continue to try to improve my situation for me and my girls. I’m using HandUp so that me and my two daughters never have to sleep in my truck ever again. Please take a look at my ebay store!
I am from Pontiac, MI and have lived here my whole life. I have not been able to work for the past 5.5 years due to a car accident resulting in permanent disability. Before that, I worked primarily for myself and I'm in the process of starting an official business. I have 2 daughters and 1 son who is no longer with us. I home school my children so most of my days revolve around learning activities and building their knowledge and character.
I have always struggled financially because I became a single mother young, but I could make ends meet when I could work. Whether it was 1 or 3 jobs I found a way to provide and spend quality time with my family. After my car accident, I found that fixed limited income puts a big restraint on life, not just going and doing what you want, but basic needs cannot be met when a family is involved. I was staying with family, but I have always had strong opinions especially about my children and liking to be clean and respectful.
All I really want is a permanent place to stay with each daughter having their own space, a kitchen to make home cooked meals everyday and knowing we have somewhere to sleep at night. I want safety and stability without negativity or any type of disrespect or abuse. After that I want to raise my children to be their best self and help them achieve what they want in life.
My happiest moments are when my children show good judgement and kind hearts without my telling them and when they treat everyone the same no matter what, or help those who are getting bullied. I think every experience is beneficial for improving self worth. I just want my children safe and happy before they are of legal age to be on their own and to know stability.
I'm raising money for utility assistance so I can keep my light on.
I'm raising money for basic needs.
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I'm raising money for rent so I can get an apartment.