Community Days of Service


Community Days of Service raised $3,540 on HandUp!

$3,540 raised of $3,000 Goal
118% Complete
45 Days Left
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Help PHC Outreach to the Community in 2020 (All gifts Matched!)

About this Campaign

The Mission of Project Homeless Connect is to connect people at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness with services so that they are better able to achieve their goals. Our goal is to help ensure access to services is efficient and effective. We do this by hosting large scale, expo style events referred to as "Community Days of Service". These events bring together over 240 Providers and 400 Volunteers to the 1,200 Participants that come for services and care.

Funds raised in this campaign will specifically help us to cover the costs of Outreach so that every person in need in San Francisco is aware of the upcoming PHC events and opportunities for services!

Every week, more people are becoming homeless or at risk of homelessness for the first time in San Francisco. Roughly 35% of the people that attend each PHC event are attending for the first time, and they learned about the event through our direct outreach. It is important that we ensure no one goes without access to services, and awareness is often the first step.

We perform Outreach through a 3-tiered process that includes staff and volunteers walking the city with Outreach materials (post cards, flyers, and basic needs) to provide information directly to people outdoors, providing materials and information packets to existing service providers so that they can better inform their clients and participants, and by making calls and in person visits to community groups and organizations. We make an extra effort to ensure every neighborhood of San Francisco is reached!

Funds raised in this campaign will help us to cover the cost of all outreach materials, transportation for staff and volunteers to ensure we are reaching all corners of San Francisco, and additionally will support the printed materials needed during the event so that people are able to navigate the 200+ services with efficiency so that we can ensure no one misses the event due to lack of awareness or access.

**If we reach our goal of raising $3,000 - the entire campaign will be matched 100% for a total of $6,000! Every gift you make is doubled!

Learn about this campaign and our match on the podcast below!

32 Supporters
+ 26
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Giving Levels

A $20 donation covers the cost of 50 Postcards & Flyers

5 supporters


A $50 donation covers the cost of materials and transportation for a San Francisco Neighborhood

10 supporters


A $100 donation helps us provide all materials for a unique Provider, reaching more than 200 Participants

5 supporters


A $1000 donation covers all Outreach Materials for a Community Day of Service

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