A $20 donation could cover a new winter coat
17 supporters
Utah County's Housing First Campaign raised $35,645 on HandUp!
Why give? Donating to this fund is safe, effective alternative to giving to panhandlers, which encourages self-reliance. These are homeless or near homeless single mothers, veterans, families, and others enduring extreme life circumstances.
What will the money be used for? Many homeless or soon-to-be-homeless can't cover some of the up-front costs to get into housing, like deposits or purchasing a bed. You can help cover this gap by donating.
How can I know my money will be used well? The distribution of money will be decided by informed community members and case managers. You can also look at monthly updates at our website. What is a Housing First approach? It's a solution to homelessness that seeks to place people in a home as a first step to building self-reliance. It solves a short term problem and can save our community up to $8,000 per individual versus leaving them homeless.
Meet Robert
Robert lived near TRAX and in his pick-up after a divorce and unemployment due to a neck injury. A MCoC agency helped him get needed medication, helped him qualify for SSDI, and with food so he could save up for an apartment. Robert now has an apartment of his own and his greatest dream is to see his daughter graduate from college. You can help people like Robert by giving them a hand up in hard times.
Meet Jason and Laurel
Families who deal with homelessness may live in your own neighborhood. Jason lost his job as a social worker due to funding cuts, and their MCoC caseworker directed them toward employment opportunities and rental assistance for their basement apartment. Laurel explained, “When you're able to secure your housing, that stability allows you to save your time and energy for other responsibilities, like securing employment and taking care of your family.” Help families like the Cohen's by preventing homelessness before it starts. Donate to the Utah County Housing First Fund.
Your generous donations have helped with two great needs in our community!
You helped one homeless client get into housing by helping him with a security deposit. He used emergency shelter services for a while so he could work hard and afford rent; He met that goal, however, saving up for a security deposit was becoming cumbersome. You helped this client sign a contract much faster and get into stable housing right as winter was approaching!
You also helped with a special case of repair help for a unit managed by a small organization in the CoC. This group helps clients re-enter society after incarceration. This was a one time exception granted by the Continuum due to this organization's excellent past performance in maintaining units and helping so many homeless find housing. This organization also does incredible work helping clients find employment, receive help with substance abuse treatment, and obtaining life skills. Thank you for helping this organization continue their work helping the homeless.
A $20 donation could cover a new winter coat
17 supporters
A $50 donation could cover a senior citizen's new eye glasses
23 supporters
A $100 donation could cover a week of a family's groceries
14 supporters
A $1000 donation could cover a security deposit for an apartment
1 supporter
Any donation, however large or small, will make a difference in someone's life today.
47 supporters