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I want to reclaim my life. I am working towards more digital marketing certifications so that I can find better jobs that I have experience in. I have a lot that I can do but I am in need of clients.
I’m from metro Detroit, born and raised. I have lived in Oak Park for almost 50 years. Currently work at an automotive facility in security, but I have desires to be an entrepreneur based on the skills I have gained. It started with me working for google analytics and ad works, which sparked my love for digital marketing. I am single, never married or had children and my immediate family is deceased. I lost my most recent family member in 2015. In my free time I work and study. Funds are limited so it is hard for me to do more than that.
It's been one adverse situation after another. At my job, we were used to working lots of overtime, but when they lost their contract, the company was taken over and overtime got cut drastically and then slowly hours were cut. I went from working 60-70 hours per week and was cut down to only being able to work 40. We had experienced downfalls like this but the overtime always came back. This led to me having an asthma attack, which hospitalized me. Then my car broke down and needed repairs which I couldn’t afford leaving me to finance payments, but knew I needed a car to continue working. I have also put money towards my education in hopes that my passions will advance my career to get a better paying job. I am not currently homeless, but I am on the cusp of facing homelessness due to foreclosure.
I’d like to get my side hustle gig off the ground. Currently I’m taking courses to further my education. I am ready to launch small business and trying my best to remain positive thru it all. My business is called The Little Ad Shop.
I am happy when I am self-sufficient. When I am able to have my basic needs met such as food, heat, lights, and a roof over my head that’s when I feel the happiest. My wildest dream…is to become a writer. I am kind of a cultural observer. The generation I came from valued education. I was the first person in my family to go to college. If I became a writer I would like to write about women’s issues because in my demographics and there isn’t a lot of writing on empowerment and healing from trauma for black women and children.
I'm raising money for rent so I can stay in my apartment.
I'm raising money for Security Deposit so I can move into my new apartment.
I'm raising money for a washer and dryer so I can gain independence in my new home.