I'm raising money for move in cost so I can secure housing.

Verified by Lighthouse.

0% funded of $100 goal
0% Funded
$100 still needed   |   0 supporters

Why I'm using HandUp for move in cost.

I'm fundraising for move in cost so I can secure housing. It costs about 100.

About me.

As a family living in Wayne County we were adapted to strong care values that implement healthy values. On a day to day basis we strive to inspire communal setting to shape a better future. As a family we encourage positive and happy moments.

My backstory.

My family only wants to have positive, loving support that will define our journey, beliefs, and family traditions.

What lead us to our current challenges was negative people and unhealthy situations that lead to upsetting moments and economic hardships due to the pandemic.

My goals, moving forward.

I anticipate making positive choices will secure our families health and importance. I seek healthier options that will secure my family stability that will commit to our family value.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

Our family values celebrate the higher achievements in life. the meaning of family is unconditional and extremely heart warming. Our appreciation and kindness will define our role in a helpful caring environment.

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