Verified by Abode Services.
I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, but have been living in the Bay Area for over 40 years. When I was able, I worked in a Plant Nursery tending the plants and flowers and did this for many years. I have been physically disabled now for over 20 years and while my body is shot, my mind is still young and happy!
I became disabled over 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I underwent the chemo therapy treatments and surgeries, but was then told that I also had Hepatitis C and back then the only treatment was interferon. I endured this brutal treatment after my chemo therapy and thank God, I am cancer and Hep C free. All of this chemical treatment took a toll on my body and because I was weak, I took a fall that resulted in three compressed discs in my back as well as problems with my left leg. Now am only able to walk with a leg brace and am in chronic pain. I was fortunate to find affordable permanent housing where I have lived for over 12 years. I have never had enough money to buy any furniture and the bed I now have thanks to HandUp is the first new furniture I have ever owned! I am so grareful.....
I stay busy helping my disabled sister around her house, going to doctor's appointments and watching sports and the news on TV. I have several friends in the area - many who are old and sick. I visit them when I can and help them out too. My goal is to live as long as I can with the body that God gave me and to keep a positive attitude and appreciate my life every single day. I never take my life for granted and appreciate every day I take another breath
What makes me happiest is my belief in Jesus Christ my brother and my faith in God. I am content with what I have and do not not need to have a lot of things to make me happy. I live my life with appreciation of every day and wake up every morning thanking God to have another day on earth. I do love to watch sports on TV and am interested in what is going on in the news - simple things make me feel good.
I'm raising money for move in cost and transportation so I can secure housing.
I'm raising money for family needs so I can purchase a vehicle.
I'm raising money for a root canal so I can improve my oral health and help manage my dental pain**.