Josh has reached his fundraising goal on HandUp!

12 people helped Josh raise $1867 — View latest update

Why I'm using HandUp for restoring my drivers license.

I'm raising funds to pay off a parking ticket and restore my drivers license because I recently underwent surgery on my neck and back and it's so hard for me to get around without my vehicle. I have a car in storage at a friends, but just need the license. I need to make it to medical appointments and then eventually work again. I'll be more mobile being able to drive.

About me.

I was born and raised in Detroit Michigan and the middle child of six siblings. I worked with my father who was a master plumber. He taught his sons how to work as a plumber, and we all followed in our father foot steps. We were family orientated and spent a lot of time with each other. My father became ill and it took a big toll on the family and me. Due to illness my father died and caused me to become depressed. It changed my life.

My backstory.

After my father's death, my family lost the company which led to unemployment and a depression that broke up our family. I ended up on the streets and homeless after all this. I never finished school to become a master plumber and had the hands on experience but not the licensing, which limited job opportunities. Plumbing was all I knew and not being able to secure a job in that field caused more depression. Over the years with untreated Mental health I've been trying to put my life back together.

My goals, moving forward.

Due to my surgeries it had caused a minor set back, but by the grace of my higher power I was able to get placed in new housing that will help with my recovery process. So my goal is to do what's necessary to stay in my new home as well as go back to school to get my licenses for plumbing to try to build my life back together. I also want to work to restore our family values and focus more on improving myself and achieving my goals.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

I just want to start my new life by not being bound to a wheelchair and the capability to move short distance without the help of any electrical devices. I would like to meet new people who are positive and support my goals. I would also like to be a role model to young men who lack support and need guidance. I have been connected with a church that fills my spiritual needs as well as the resilience to focus on my future.

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