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I am fundraising with Hand-up because I need help getting into housing where both of my children and I can be safe and comfortable.
I'm originally from Flint but I have lived in Pontiac for 10 years now. I'm working at Arby's and have been there for 3 years. I have 3 children with one on the way.
We ended up homeless because we were living in housing that was not suitable, the landlord was refusing to fix anything which led us to become homeless. Me and my significant other are parents of 4 beautiful children.
I'm working towards getting a home for my children . My goals are to get a house, a better job and going to college. I may have my hands full with 4 children all under the age of 3, but as they grow older they'll be able to say "My Mom did everything she could for us and she never gave up". I didn't have a good life at all coming up with my mom being mentally challenged and my father wasn't around so I had to do what I had to do at a young age. Nothing's going to stop me from giving my children a better life than mine.
Seeing my children smile, grow and learn something new everyday is what makes me the happiest I've ever been. My proudest moment was my graduation day, I conquered what people kept telling me I wouldn't be able to do.
I'm raising money for a deposit so I can provide a stable home for my kids.
I'm raising money for my family of 9 so I can find housing and become stable.
I'm raising money for basic needs.
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