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I'm using HandUp to fundraise for emergency dental work.
I’ve had an unfortunate run of medical concerns, which require a lot of my time and attention. I am a diabetic, and I’ve been suffering from a surgery I had on my leg. Complications with the surgery have unfortunately resulted in blood clots, high blood pressure, and swelling. I’m currently considering surgeries to address these issues. I’ve been fortunate enough to have some medical supports that can help me in my home, but the large medical bills that my recent hospital and dentist visit have jeopardized my ability to pay my portion of the fee for this service. I am thankful to be receiving disability benefits as I am unable to work, but with a limited income it is difficult to navigate unexpected medical bills.
I was in the hospital for a follow-up appointment for my leg when a tooth fell out of my mouth. When I was discharged from the hospital I went to the dentist and ended up needing a root canal to address the issue. During this dental visit I learned that I also needed six extractions done in the back of my mouth. This has lead to discomfort especially while eating. I will unfortunately need more work done to have a partial denture installed. Before I can address the issues that not having these teeth have caused, I need to pay off the work that has already been done.
My major goal is to become self-sufficient. Instead of utilizing SOS’s help, I would like to be able to spend time helping them with fundraising. I hope to achieve a level of stability in my life.
I’m a Christian who believes in the power of prayer. I believe that somehow, someway the Lord will deliver me. He has already provided for me through SOS assisting me with a roof over my head. I believe that things will not always be this way. I appreciate the care, love, and ability that SOS and its partners have in helping me at this time.