Sojourn Chaplaincy

San Francisco, CA

About Sojourn Chaplaincy

Sojourn Chaplaincy was founded in 1982 as a response to the AIDS crisis. Sojourn emerged to train local clergy to minister to people dying from HIV/AIDS and ensure that AIDS patients had non-judgmental and supportive spiritual and emotional care at end of life. Over the years Sojourn has evolved to support all patients at the city’s only safety net hospital and our roots in care for the most marginalized in the health care system ground us in this work. In 2017, Sojourn launched our Trans Spiritual Care Initiative (TSCI) to develop curriculum for spiritual care providers to improve spiritual care for trans and gender variant people who often face marginalization within the healthcare system

Successful Campaigns

100% Funded
  • $10,025
  • $10,000
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