Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I'm raising money for things like a phone and phone bills, laptop, 32GB flash drive, 2T external drive so I can start my own business teaching computer skills. I've already started an organization called "Catch Before Jump" because we were seeing too many suicide attempts by LGBTQ youth trying to jump off the bridge. It has blossomed from LGBT youth to cisgender women needing help when they arrive in San Francisco for the first time. I want to create a computer firm that helps train people in how to use computers. It's important to know how to use email and Google accounts for people to be able to work. Right now I have a lot of people invested in my work in the computer firm. I have investors of doctors and lawyers but I need extra hardware (computers and external hard-drives, etc).
I was born and raised in Butte county. I have been bouncing back and forth from San Francisco to Butte county all my life.
I have been homeless all my life by definition. I have been living with family all my life but I want to have a home of my own.
I want to start my own business. I will be taking classes at the LGBT center for classes on how to operate a business. I already have skills in computers four master's in computer science, computer aided drafting, software building, coding, and applied computers to which I can teach people how to use the computers and my business is mostly going to be as such so I will need a laptop, 32GB flash drive, 2T external drive and that will help me out greatly.
I am happy of my skills being a people's person, professional and seeing goals where they need to be solved. As you know, by my goal, I am part of the LGBT, in fact the T.
Thank you for donating to my cause.
I'm raising money for a radiator so I can work**.
I'm raising money for employment so I can obtain the funds to get interviews clothes & transportation to and from interviews.
I'm raising money for husband so I can bring him home.