I'm raising money for basic needs so I can find a job and take children.

Verified by Project Homeless Connect.

Why I'm using HandUp for my basic needs.

Hello I am Erika,

I have 4 children, 3 girls and 1 boy, my husband needs an operation. I need assistance with my basic living needs and to find work, and feed my family.

About me.

I am from Venezuela, I have been in San Francisco for 3 months looking for work and to support my 4 children and husband.

My backstory.

We are currently in a shelter, and my daughter just had her birthday recently, she just turned 3. We are hoping to improve our current living situation.

My goals, moving forward.

My family and I are looking for stable housing and opportunities to work. Mostly for our basic living needs.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

We are looking job opportunities and our only hope in the future is to improve things for my family.

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