Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I am using handup to raise money for food and groceries
I'm from Houston, Texas. I was born and raised there. There, I used to work for General Electric and appliance tech and I drove 18-wheelers. In California, I was a laborer with Labor Ready. I spend my time reading books, shooting pool, and trying to do productive things to help me focus on life.
I'm homeless, I don't work anymore; I'm living life on the streets.
I would like to have my own place to live someday. I hope to get a job. And to stay connected to my family. After living life on the streets, you get tired of everything you're doing. You get tired of asking for change. I want to be a responsible adult; I know that's the only way I can move forward in life. It's been a long time since I've been responsible, and I'm very proud of myself because I don't hang in the street anymore. I don't want to carry everything around in a backpack and get wet in the rain. At least now I've got something over my head and I'm doing something productive for myself.
My wildest dream: I never thought I'd be a grandfather, but to see my granddaughter for the first time would be one of the greatest things I could ever live to see. They say she looks just like my mother. I want to be the dad that I'm supposed to be. Even though my son has grown up, it's never too late. I want to be one of the greatest grandfathers; it's a special moment to hear "Grandpa," and you can cherish that for the rest of your life.
I'm raising money for arts & crafts so I can start my own buisness**.
I'm raising money for basic needs.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can afford the basic necessities to get myself to a better place.