Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I will be starting college very soon. I am requesting your assistance with obtaining a bicycle for travel use back and forth to school. The bike cost about $200 and I am trying to get as close to $200 as I can. I am ready to return to college but would like to resolve my transportation challenges, and having a bike will certainly offset the financial burden of riding MUNI.
15 years ago I was working in the technology sector in point of sale systems. During this time I was injured on the job and disabled. The accident injured my spine, rupturing 2 discs, crushing one and fracturing one of my vertebrae in my lower back. Normal mobility became arduous and painful even getting out of bed in the morning became a trial. I had been a very active person before and when it became clear that I would never get that life back I became despondent and shut myself in. I had been miserable for a very long time until I decided I couldn't let it continue anymore and for the past 6 months I've been working to put my life back in order to whatever degree I can. I went to physical rehab started eating healthy, exercising and establishing a regimen for the past 6 months with a plan to hopefully get back to work within another 6 months or in school for some retraining.
15 years ago I was working in the technology sector in point of sale systems. During this time I was injured on the job and disabled. Because I am living in chronic pain it is difficult to find employment but I am still searching for work.
My goals are to live a normal life. This means gaining control of my life by returning to work and eventually cultivating a meaningful relationship. Those things would be very fulfilling for me.
To accomplish these goals I need to improve my overall health which means gaining better control of my diabetes. The first steps being to establish an exercise regimen that will facilitate in improving my health by losing weight and improving my strength and stamina which had atrophied over years when I was unable to manage and tolerate pain effectively.
Acquiring quality orthopedic footwear for walking would allow me to further my endeavor to do so by allowing me to walk faster and for longer periods of time each day.
I wish to return some normalcy to my life and I can do that taking it one step at a time.
My proudest moment was when I played at the Warfield in 1997. It was an incredible experience sharing my music with a large audience in a legendary venue. My dream now is to live a normal life and improve my health.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can chew food properly, improve my self-esteem and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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I'm raising money for $2000 so I can find housing, buy food, and buy clothes for interiews.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can live comfortably in my apartment.
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