Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I need the money for miscellaneous items like food, storage, POBOX, and electronic devices, which are my work tools.
I was born in California and raised in San Francisco. I attended Mission High School, Everett Middle School, and John Winter Elementary School. I have lived in the Sunset for the past 22 years and have been homeless for a year. I am sleeping on the street.
I am working on getting a job; that is my next goal. That goal will take me a year. I am working on it.
I dream of getting a job and having my own place to live.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can take care of my self while I look for a way to resume my home in the water. Last boat was lost to Hurricane Michael.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can get off the streets and back into housing.
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I'm raising money for microwave so I can eat hot food.