I'm raising money for housing so I can move.

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0% funded of $500 goal
0% Funded
$500 still needed   |   0 supporters

Why I'm using HandUp for housing.

I'm a single mother of 6 kids, 5 girls, and 1 boy. We were forced to vacate our previous home and I am looking for any help to find stable housing for my children and I.

About me.

I'm originally from Detroit, I moved to Pontiac 15 years ago. love spending time with my children and doing family activities.

My backstory.

My son has a high level of lead in his body so we had to move out of our previous home. This is a very big challenge for my family because we are used to our own spaces.

My goals, moving forward.

My goal is to find stable housing and try to have some furniture for when we move into our next home.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

Seeing my kids happy and seeing them smile is what makes me happy.

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