Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I'm raising money for my housing project. I'm on most of the housing wait-lists in San Francisco, and have been waiting for three years. I am hoping to get into a studio apartment. The goal will be to have my housing project completed by 2020. Additionally, I will need a refrigerator, fan, household items, groceries, and cookware.
I moved here in 2000 from New York. I stayed here for a year, working as a security officer and a bike messenger. Then I went back to New York in September 2001 to become a full-time courier. Upon returning, September 11 occurred. My first stop every morning was the World Trade Center; my very first day back to work, the plane hit. I endured the delivery process for four more months. This required a fire marshal pass and police escort to continue going to Ground Zero, even though there was nothing there besides rubble, ash, and soot. Six months after 9/11, I moved back to San Francisco. I've been homeless ever since.
When I returned to San Francisco, I was not aware of the resources available to me. I have since been seeking out help and taking the steps necessary to get back on my feet. This is year four.
Staying organized and utilizing the resources necessary to gain housing. For the last year, I've been working on a "housing grid" that contains information about the low-income housing list and keeps track of my progress. That's the goal and I'm almost there. I've been working hard to gather all the documents for housing, which is not always easy.
My other goal is to never give up and stay focused on my projects.
My proudest moment will be when my projects are completed and I am employed. I've never been happier than when I was in full uniform walking up Wall Street, picking up and delivering orders.
There's no going back; San Francisco is my home, moving forward. Thank you for all your generosity and support...I couldn't do it without you.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can get stable housing.
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I'm raising money for basic needs.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can buy a place ticket to visit my family in the United Kingdom.
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