Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
After being homeless for over 15 years, I finally moved into housing! I had surgery in December 2017, the day after my birthday, so now I am just working on healing and recovering. I had a laminectomy. It takes a long time. I am in need of assistance with purchasing my prescription medication. I need monthly medication for nerve pain and insurance doesn't cover the whole cost. It costs $86 a month. I also have some other medications that I need to take post surgery. I get the maximum of Ibuprofen, 1/3x a day and I need to take these all with food. Due to recent changes in my insurance because of the Trump administration services and treatment that were once covered by my insurance are no longer covered.
I'm from Oakland, CA and I've been in the city for 2 years. I was a construction worker until I had work related surgeries. I used to like to work out with weights and take long walks until I suffered back injuries. I like meeting interesting people.
There wasn't any work in my union for a long time. I couldn't pay my bills and I didn't want to be a burden to my family by living with them. Then I had nerve damage in my arm and had a surgery in 2013. In August, I was hit by a car and my left eye was injured. I have had two surgeries on my eye and I'm still in need of one more. They are hoping that I will recover some of my vision in that eye. I also had surgery on my spine at General Hospital in July 2016 and I was in the hospital until September 2016. Now that I have housing and somewhere to recover, I will be able to have another surgery on my lower back.
I'm looking forward to getting my retirement from working since I was fifteen years old when I got my first job.
I'm at my happiest when I don't have to worry about money to pay my own bills. My proudest times are when my family is proud of me. I overcame an alcohol addiction. My wildest dream is to be able to help my two sisters out with money someday.
I'm raising money for employment so I can obtain the funds to get interviews clothes & transportation to and from interviews.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can purchase food and clothing for my family.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can have a permanent mailing address.
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