Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I'm a 53 year old male who is terminally ill with Cancer. I'm using Hand up for basic needs such as clothing, hygiene and food. Since becoming ill I haven't been able to work, and being that I have Cancer I must be warm at all times as I am prone to other illnesses that I would like to prevent.
I'm from Shreveport LA, however my family moved to San Francisco CA, and from there Oakland CA and that's where we settled, that's where I met my first wife, got married, had children and raised my family, like a man is supposed to do. I was diagnosed with Throat Cancer October 2017 which left me unable to work or provide for myself, I'm currently staying in a shelter while I'm going through my second round of chemotherapy and radiation, which is devastating my mind and body. I try to look on the bright side of things so I spend most of my time with my 2 grand daughters, it gives me a sense of piece despite my health and condition they're the reason as well as my other children to keep going and fighting for my life!
I was born in Shreveport LA, 8/8/1965. I moved to San Francisco CA when I was 2 years old and I've been here ever since. I graduated from high school in 1983, got married and had my first child in 1984, in that time I obtained a class A driver's license and drove cement trucks to provide for my new family, I did that for 16 years. I soon had 4 more children after that which I continued to provide. After 22 years of marriage and raising all of my children, my wife and I decided to divorce, that is when my life spiraled because I was losing my family and shortly after I found out my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. I felt like I was losing everything, I was very close to my mom, I took care of her while she was sick, I was her only child for 18 years before my brother came along so I was there with her through everything. I watched her deteriorate from this disease and die on mother's day 2010, that devastated me, I went into a deep depression that ended in drug addiction, homelessness and despair for 5 years. January 1, 2017 I decided to get clean and entered the Father Alford Center, it's a 13 month rehabilitation center, which I successfully completed the program, then I got a job with St. Anthony's program, did that for a few months before getting a job with the Park and Rec. for the city and county of San Francisco. October 2017 I was diagnosed with throat cancer, now I'm unable to work and I'm homeless, my illness has progressed rapidly, I'm now on my second round of chemotherapy and radiation, it's only slowing the process but I'm trying to stay in good spirits. As a man that has worked all of his life and providing for his family to getting sick and having to depend on other people has been the hardest thing for me to deal with.So I'm asking Hand up for any contribution as anything will help, I only wanting the necessities such as food, clothing, hygiene and to hold on to dignity..
At this point in time I live in a shelter because my disease has left me unable to work, it is an open dorm and it's winter time so people are sick and exposed to the elements. This is difficult for me as well because because I'm exposed and susceptible to catching anything from a common cold to pneumonia due to my immune system being low from chemotherapy and radiation. All I want is to continue getting my treatment, work the necessary tools to stay healthy. Moving forward I have to obtain housing as my condition worsens.
What makes me the happiest is being around my family but especially my children and my granddaughter, watching the game and just being around people that love and support me. Being sick has made me see another part of life that I wouldn't have thought about otherwise such as taking everything for granted like my health, working, being able to do the things that I once done. My children are my everything and that is what keeps me strong and hoping that the 49ers come back to win a Super Bowl before it's over for me lol. Thank you for anything that you give,it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can Food, hygiene and basic need items.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can complete my housing project.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can keep working and stay housed.
In the past month...
2 donors
helped raise $15