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I’m fundraising for a security deposit and new furniture for a new home so I can relocate, and it costs about $600 My goal is to relocate to a safer area for my son and I. I want to feel safe and be able to care for myself and my son.
I am from Pontiac, Michigan I love doing hair and makeup and I want to pursue a career in those areas.
I was living with my son and one day I took the trash out and an incident happened , I had to leave my home for the safety of me and my child
Find safe housing for me and my son
I would love to become a full-time cosmetologist as I love hair and makeup.
I'm raising money for furnituer so I can make my apartment into a comfy home for my daughter and I.
I'm raising money for furniture so I can replace the items destroyed by flooding in my apartment**.
I'm raising money for furniture so I can make my home a home.