I'm raising money for basic needs so I can live comfortably in my new housing.

Verified by Project Homeless Connect.

Why I'm using HandUp for my basic needs.

I recently secured housing and am very excited about it! I do need help getting some of the basics to help me live more comfortably in my new housing. To all of my supporters on my journey and all of the staff at Project Homeless Connect, THANK YOU!

About me.

My new goals are to find housing, I have quit drinking and am active in attending AA meetings and am trying to get back on my feet.

I am fundraising to get a laptop or tablet, or asking for a donation. I want to take an online class with 5 Keys to get my GED and open up more opportunities for employment.

My goals, moving forward.

I am trying to take a class through 5 Keys to get my GED. To do this, I need to get a laptop or tablet, hoping for a donation or some kind of assistance, because it will help me achieve my goals to obtain my GED.

Other things I'd like to share about myself.

I am happy because Jesus has given me another opportunity for life. I am grateful, everyday God shows me love and serenity to continue passing thru this life.

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