Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I have a myriad of health issues that include 9 stomach surgeries, bowel obstructions and precancerous cells that all contribute to making eating more difficult for me. I have to eat 6 smaller meals every day due to the reduced size of my stomach and intestines, the risk of scar tissue causing another obstruction as well as refrigerate my Rheumatoid Medication that I am currently unable to treat due to the lack of access to these appliances.
This past year my mother fell ill with cancer. Around April I began feeling like she wasn’t letting on how bad it really was and may not recover. My boyfriend and I both have grown children so we left our jobs, our townhome in VA, postponed our wedding and took only what could fit in the car. We stopped in SF to attend a GD concert and were going to leave in the morning. The car broke down on the way to the concert, was towed and eventually sold by the city. We only ended up getting my medication and literally got the money together to retrieve it the day after it was auctioned. We arrived at the Navigation Center with only the clothes on our backs. We worked really hard to find a way to make to my mom, one last hug, one last meal together, just a little more time, but sadly she passed away in August. Shortly after we accepted our SRO’s (Single Residency Occupancies).
I am having a difficult time grieving for my mother. She was an artist so I have been trying to find ways to honor her and work through the grief. My boyfriend and I began painting rocks and writing messages of kindness on them and then hiding them throughout the city. The hope is that the rock will them make some strangers day or at least make them smile. We also spend our time tie-dying for our 6 grandchildren and locating free items and repurposing them for our home. I know my mom is looking down on me. Also, as I find new helpful resources for people in my situation, I pass it on to others as well as every social worker I come in contact with hoping it will help others. I receive great joy from helping others.
Due to a car accident I was in 10 years ago I sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury as well as some physical injuries. Because of this I am in the process of obtaining SSDI, as I have an extensive work history. However, I do not want to let it slow me down too much. I intend to continue to lavish handmade gifts upon my grandchildren and children, as well as hide kindness rocks throughout the city to improve people’s days. In remembrance of my mother I plan to offer a rock painting class to children at the boys n girls club in the Tenderloin annually around the time of her birthday. Finally I would like to volunteer as a “holder” at the hospital for infants that are addicted to heroin. I feel volunteering is one of the best ways to pay it forward when others have shown you a kindness and we all have something to offer.
I love spending time with my family and there is nothing more important than family. I do not regret losing everything trying to get to my mother. That’s the least I could do for the women who gave me life and gave hers to selflessly raise me. Everything else is just “stuff”. I am sorry I didn’t make it to hug her, but I know she knows I tried. Also, I love to make those around me happy, which is why I love my kindness rocks. My wildest dream overall is the just to be happy, healthy in love, and grow in love with the man of my dreams, my family and those around me.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can replace my stolen belongings**.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can get my car repaired.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can afford food and clothing for better health.
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