Verified by Project Homeless Connect.
I am a creative artist and I use art to help people heal. I've lived in the Bay Area since 2009 when I came to work as an expressive therapist and bereavement specialist in Hospice. I love the diversity and culture here and the beauty of nature surrounding us.
In 2012, I developed chronic illness that prevented me from doing my work. I took a leave of absence from work and I thought I would get better but now I understand that I am permanently disabled. Since 2012, my symptoms and difficulties worsened and I have lived in poverty for 5 years and homelessness for the last two years. Recently I acquired low income housing and now I am struggling to pay bills and furnish my new place to make it a home.
I no longer have hope that I can regain enough of my health to work full time but I hope to heal enough so that I can find ways to be active and giving in my community. I hope to find treatments that will help me cope with the persistent pain and fatigue I experience.
I am raising money to make my new apartment into a home. Many furnishings can be found for free on craigslist, but little home goods like kitchen ware and linens really add up. Since I spend most of my days sick and in bed, it helps to have a place that feels comfortable and easy.
I love helping people and being creative with people. Seeing what the lived experience of homelessness is like makes me want to offer support to homeless folks in the future.
My wildest dream is to move out of the city and find a connection to wilderness, where the fresh air will be healing to my body. I will need to stabilize my life step by step before I can do that.
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can have a stable place for my family.
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I'm raising money for basic needs so I can eat and survive.
In the past month...
1 donor
helped raise $50
I'm raising money for basic needs so I can go back to school for Early Childhood.
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